該如何服用樂多珠珠/力多珠珠®? 任何過敏性人士: 最少每日 1 袋 或者壹膠囊 由於樂多珠珠/力多珠珠® 是從影響免疫系統而發揮效益的,所以它應持續最少六星期每日被服用,才可使免疫系統變得沒那麼敏感。 醫生處方的藥物不應突然被放棄及應按醫生的指示服用。以異位性濕疹為例,當服用藥物的需要被逐漸減少或發炎之間的時間變長時,就能到察覺改善的效果。 當妳繼續服用樂多珠珠/力多珠珠®,而樂多珠珠/力多珠珠®的效益變得明顯時,妳的醫生可能會考慮減低妳過敏藥物的治療。 参考文献: Kawase M et al. Effect of fermented milk prepared with two probiotic strains on Japanese cedar pollinosis in a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study. Int J Food Microbiol 2009;128(3):429-434 Marschan E et al. Probiotics in infancy induce protective immune profiles that are characteristic for chronic low-grade inflammation. Clin Exp Allergy 2008;38:611-618 Pelto L et al. Probiotic bacteria down-regulate the milk-induced inflammatory response in milk-hypersensitive subjects but have an immmunostimulatory effect in healthy subjects. Clin Exp Allergy 1998;28:1474-1479 Piirainen L et al.Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on rBet v1 and rMal d1 specific IgA in the saliva of patients with birch pollen allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2008;100(4):338-342 |