樂多珠珠/力多珠珠®亦能對沒有患腸易激綜合征跟功能性腹痛的人的腸胃癥狀有效益。當有在服用珠珠益生菌時,成人及兒童都有增加排便及減少腹脹。力多珠珠小袋中含有的膳食纖維低聚果糖(FOS)對排便有進壹步的促進作用。這對患有慢性便秘的病人是有幫助的。 參考文獻: Guarino MP et al. Effect of acute mucosal exposure to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on human colonic smooth muscle cells. J Clin Gastroentorol 2008;42(Suppl 3) Pt 2:S185-190 Hongisto S-M et al. A combination of fibre-rich rye bread and yoghurt containing Lactobacillus GG improves bowel function in women with self-reported constipation. Eur J Clin Nutr 2006;60(3):319-324 Hosoda M et al. Effects of Lactobacillus GG strain intake on fecal microflora and defecation in healthy volunteers. Bifidus 1994:8:21-28 |