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  • Safety
    • 1.How young can a baby start on LACTOGG®?

      LACTOGG® can be given to a baby at any age.

      LACTOGG®'s probiotic strain has been safely given to premature infants and extremely low birth weight babies to help reduce their risk of infection and to help them tolerate milk feeds. The youngest baby who had been supplemented with this probiotic strain in the baby intensive care unit was about 5 month premature and weighed 0.465kg at birth.

      If your baby has a serious medical problem like abnormal intestines, extensive surgery to the gut or has extremely weak immunity, you may discuss with your baby’s peadiatrician before commencing your baby on LACTOGG®.

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    • 2.Can LACTOGG® be taken with other medicine or supplements?


      There are a few medicines which may interfere with the colonisation or survival of the probiotic bacteria. Take LACTOGG® at least 1 - 2 hours apart from such medicines.

    • 3.Can women take LACTOGG® when pregnant or breast feeding?


      There are many clinical studies on the beneficial effect of LACTOGG® during pregnancy and breast feeding. The health benefits to the woman include improved blood sugar levels and less weight gain after childbirth. The benefits to the infant include less chance of becoming allergic and increase in antibody production when the mother consumes GG probiotic during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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    • 4.Is LACTOGG® safe for long term supplementation?


      Clinical trials have studied the safety of long term consumption of GG probiotic especially in premature infants and babies for up to one year.

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    • 5.Are there any side effects for taking LACTOGG®?

      In all the clinical trials on GG probiotic no harmful side-effects have been reported.

      There have been a few reports of cases of transfer of this bacterium into the bloodstream and into the lung. These cases involved very ill patients who were unable to eat and drink normally and were fed through injections into their veins. All had multiple operations and repeated infections and were on long term injections of antibiotics. It was suggested that the probiotic bacteria could be transferred to the bloodstream from the hands of nursing staff when they injected medicines into the veins.

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    • 6.Will taking LACTOGG® long term make me dependent on LACTOGG®?


      Taking LACTOGG® regularly over long periods of time will not cause GG probiotic to ‘overrun’ or ‘take over’ the gastrointestinal tract.

      In fact, regular consumption of this probiotic strain results in stimulation of the growth of other good germs inside the intestinal tract. Taking GG probiotic long term does not make the body dependent on it but rather causes the development of a strong and vigorous set of good germs in the intestinal tract.

  • Health benefits
    • 1.What are the main health benefits of taking LACTOGG®?

      LACTOGG®’s main effects are:

      1.Maintaining a strong intestinal surface barrier by inducing intestinal cell growth, regeneration and renewal.

      2.Inducing the growth and maintenance of a strong and diverse population of good bacteria in the intestinal tract.

      3.Stimulating, moderating and regulating the immune system.


      Clinical studies have documented that GG probiotic effects produce at least 12 health benefits.

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    • 2.Can LACTOGG® really improve my health?

      The health effects and dosage of LACTOGG® are based on clinical trials conducted using LACTOGG®'s “GG (ATCC 53103)” strain. It is the probiotic strain recommended by doctors. Due to the extensive research behind GG probiotic, it is used by the medical profession as a bio-therapeutic complement to clinical treatment as well as a long term health supplement.

    • 3.How can LACTOGG® help me when I am travelling?

      When you travel you are exposed to many different germs and crowded environments. This increases your risk or contracting infections such as travellers’ diarrhoea or upper respiratory tract infections.

      LACTOGG®’s probiotic strain has clinical studies showing its ability to reduce the incidence of traveller’s diarrhoea and upper respiratory tract infections by 50%.

      When travelling is likely, such as during holidays or festive seasons, taking GG probiotic reduces the risk of getting infection.Take LACTOGG® at least 3 days before travel and continue taking it throughout the duration of your travel.

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    • 4.How does LACTOGG® stimulate the immune system?

      Over 75% of our immune system cells reside in our gastrointestinal tract. LACTOGG®'s probiotic strain has evolved with mankind so that it can interact, not only with the intestinal epithelial cells but also with our immune cells.

      These cells have receptors on their cell surface called Toll-like receptors which can recognise the matching surface molecules on Lactobacillus GG.

      Once this cell-and-cell recognition occurs, a series of immunological signals occur. The end result is either stimulation, moderation or regulation of the immune system.

      For example, the immune system’s ability to produce antibodies is enhanced if people consume this specific probiotic when they get their vaccinations.

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      On the other hand, the immune signals and inflammation which these signals generate in allergic patients, are suppressed when GG probiotic was consumed.

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      Likewise, children who are given GG probiotic have about 50% less chance of catching coughs, colds and throat infections compared to children who are not supplemented.

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    • 5.Will LACTOGG® help if I or my child need to take antibiotics?


      Clinical trials have found that taking GG probiotic during a course of antibiotics can reduce the side-effect of antibiotics, such as diarrhoea, by about 70%.

      It is recommended that LACTOGG® be consumed if possible, before commencement of antibiotics, throughout the course of antibiotics and at least 1 week after completing antibiotics to rebuild the intestinal bacterial community.

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    • 6.My child keeps falling sick since going to playschool. Will taking LACTOGG® help?


      There are clinical studies on how supplementing young children with GG probiotic results in reduction in the incidence of infections such as diarrhoea, sore throats, “colds” and middle ear infections. Even when the supplemented children fall ill, they have significantly less need for antibiotic treatment.

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    • 7.How long should I expect to see any benefit when I take LACTOGG® for allergy?

      GG probiotic reduces the severity of allergy by communicating with the immune system and gradually decreasing allergic inflammation.

      For example, if you are taking GG probiotic to reduce the severity of allergic eczema, clinical studies show that you may need to take LACTOGG® for about 6 weeks before you expect to experience the health benefit.

      The ability to influence the immune response results in less exacerbations or “flare-ups” in the skin inflammation and gradually, less need for medicines to control the inflammation.

  • Consumer Related
    • 1.Where can I usually get LACTOGG®?

      LACTOGG® is used by the medical profession both as a bio-therapeutic complement and as a long term health supplement.

      Therefore it is available through doctors, specialists, clinics, hospitals, medical facilities and hospitals.

      For further information on where you can obtain LACTOGG®, please write to info@lactogg.com or post your question on :




    • 2.What happens if I stop taking LACTOGG®?

      Once you stop LACTOGG®, the GG probiotic will gradually decrease and disappear from your gastrointestinal tract. You will lose the health benefits induced by GG probiotic while it was colonising your gut.

    • 3.Should I take it with or without food for maximum benefits?

      It is not very important to time LACTOGG® to meals because GG probiotic can survive in stomach acid and bile.

      However taking LACTOGG® with some milk has been found to enhance the bacteria’s survival.

    • 4.Can cancer patients take LACTOGG®?


      In a clinical trial reported in the British Journal of Cancer cancer patients were prescribed GG probiotic to reduce the side-effects of chemotherapy. The patients who were supplemented had less diarrhoea and abdominal pain than those who did not receive the probiotic.

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  • Product related
    • 1.Can LACTOGG® be added to in any milk powder or yoghurt drink?


      GG probiotic can be added to milk, yoghurt and juices. Make sure the drinks and food are at room temperature and are not hot to ensure GG probiotic remain alive.

    • 2.Can I store LACTOGG® in room temperature?


      As LACTOGG® contains live bacteria please keep the capsules away from direct sunlight, heat sources (eg. hot kitchen, near cooker) and hot areas (eg. inside the car parked under the sun).

      If you wish to keep the sachets and capsules in the refrigerator, it is also well-acceptated.

    • 3.Why does it need to be packed into a double foil blister card or multi-layered sachets?

      This unit-dose packaging ensures that each sachet or capsule is isolated in its own clean, air- and moisture-free environment until the point when it is consumed. This is the best packaging for ensuring that the probiotic bacteria remain alive throughout the shelf-life.

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    • 4.How do I give it to my infant or baby?

      Tear open a sachet of LACTOGG® and dissolve the powder into room temperature water, drinks, milk or baby food.

      LACTOGG® capsules are designed to be taken apart. You can pull the 2 halves of the vegetable capsule apart and pour out the powdered contents. Mix the powdered contents with your baby's food, milk or water and let your baby consume it.

      The water, drinks, milk or food should be at room temperature and not be hot, to ensure the probiotic bacteria remain alive.

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    • 5.Does it contain any artificial colouring, flavouring or sugars?

      No, it does not.

      All ingredients are natural.

    • 6.How fast can we see the health benefit?

      It depends on what health benefit you are expecting. For example, if you are taking GG probiotic to reduce the severity of acute gastroenteritis you can expect to see the beneficial effect within 1-2 days. If you are taking GG probiotic to reduce the severity of allergic eczema, clinical studies show that you may need to take LACTOGG® for about 6 weeks before you expect to experience the health benefit which is less exacerbations or “flare-ups” in the skin inflammation and gradually less need for medicines to control the inflammation.

    • 7.What exactly are “probiotics”?

      Probiotics are specific strains of live microorganisms which when consumed in high enough numbers, produce a health effect on the person or animal taking them.

      This definition is adopted by the experts who produced the WHO/FAO report on the evaluation of probiotics.

      Besides the definition, what strain probiotic microorganisms belong to will determine what their health benefits are. They must be alive in order to colonise the intestinal tract. The dose and each health benefit must be backed-up by scientific and human studies performed on the specific and unique strain.

      So the term “probiotics” cannot really be a blanket term for every microorganism claiming to have probiotic. Each strain of the microorganism is unique in its characteristics and health benefits. A microorganism cannot simply take the studies done on other strains and pass them off as proof of its health benefits!

      LACTOGG® fulfils all the criteria of a true and effective probiotic.

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    • 8.What is LACTOGG®?

      LACTOGG® (pronounced “lac-toh-gee-gee) is a vegetable capsule containing the unique good bacterium, Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain “GG (ATCC 53103)”. As a short form, we call this probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus GG or GG probiotic. LACTOGG®'s GG probiotic is the unique and original strain, discovered and patented by two Boston scientists, Prof. Gorbach and Dr. Goldin in 1985.

      Each sachet of LACTOGG®+ contains at least 20 billion live GG probiotic bacteria and the natural dietary fibre called fructooligosaccharide. Each capsule of LACTOGG® contains a minimum of 20 billion live GG bacteria.

      There are now over 1100 research papers and more than 300 human/clinical studies.

      The vast amount of research and clinical trials on LACTOGG®’s GG probiotic strain makes it the gold standard in probiotic research and a reference strain in probiotic benefits.

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    • 9.Of all the probiotics, why should I choose LactoGG?

      LACTOGG® contains the premier, gold standard probiotic strain called Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103). It has over 1100 research papers and more than 300 human/clinical studies providing the evidence behind its health benefits.

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      It passes all the criteria in the “10-S test” of a true and effective probiotic.

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    • 10.How does LACTOGG® compare to yogurt drinks?

      LACTOGG® is a premier probiotic.

      Yoghurts containing yoghurt starters such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilus are not probiotics because they do not remain alive once they are swallowed to colonise the intestinal tract. Without colonisation, they cannot produce the health benefits of a probiotic.

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      Yoghurt drinks contain cow milk and are usually greatly sweetened to mask the sourness of the yoghurt. On the other hand, LACTOGG® does not contain any added sugar or cow milk protein.

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    • 11. Does it mean one good friendly bacterium will be good enough for my gut’s health? Why shouldn’t I choose a mixture of bacteria?


      If that one good friendly bacterium has all the clinical research evidence proving that it has the health benefit this bacterium should be taken instead of a mixture of bacteria which does not have any human studies.

      Mixing bacteria may not be a good idea because different bacteria stimulate the immune system differently. Different strains of bacteria in a mixture may end up “cancelling” out the beneficial effect of each other.

      If you take a probiotic strain called “X” and mix it together with other strains called “Y” and “Z” the health benefits of the mixture are not equal to X+Y+Z. It can even be zero benefit!

      The important thing to do is to look at the clinical evidence behind each single strain and behind every specified mixture of strain before assuming that what you are taking does really have beneficial effects.

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    • 12.Can I take LACTOGG® with me if I travel out of the country?


      Putting LACTOGG® through the airport X-Ray scanner will not kill the probiotic bacteria. Make sure you do not leave your bag containing LACTOGG® in the sun.

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    • 13.Does LACTOGG® need refrigeration?

      LACTOGG® can survive in cool room temperature of 25 deg C or lower for at least 18 months.

      If you wish to keep the sachets and capsules in the refrigerator, it is also well-acceptated.

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    • 14.If I am already taking yoghurts or cheese do I need to take LACTOGG®?


      LACTOGG® is a probiotic. Yoghurt and cheese starters are not probiotics because they do not survive in the gastrointestinal tract and cannot colonise it. If these starter bacteria cannot colonise the intestinal tract they cannot exert beneficial effects of probiotics.

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    • 15.Is LACTOGG® free of cow milk protein and gluten?
    • 16.Is LACTOGG® suitable for vegetarians?


      All LACTOGG® ingredients and capsule shell are vegetarian. The powdered contents consist of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103) and natural dietary fibre.

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    • 17.Is LACTOGG® suitable for persons of the Muslim, Hindu or Jewish faiths?


      LACTOGG® is a completely vegetarian product.

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    • 18.Can I mix LACTOGG® with milk?


      To ensure the bacteria remain alive, make sure the milk is not hot.

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    • 19.Should LACTOGG® be taken on a full or empty stomach?

      It does not matter. LACTOGG® is proven to survive stomach acid.

    • 20.Are there medicines which cannot be mixed with LACTOGG®?

      Some medicines may interfere with the colonisation or survival of the probiotic bacteria.

      Do your best to separate your dose of LACTOGG® from a dose of antibiotic by at least 1 hour. For example if your antibiotic dose is due at 8 am and then at 8 pm you should take LACTOGG® either anytime between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm or anytime after 9-10pm and 6-7am.

      Medicines which work by sticking bacteria onto them such as activated charcoal or diosmectite should also be separated from your dose of LACTOGG® by 1-2 hours.

      Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy is designed to destroy living cells. When LACTOGG® is taken to reduce the side-effects of cancer therapy, the dose and frequency of LACTOGG® should be increased. For example, during chemotherapy, the dose of LACTOGG® may need be increased to several times a day.

  • Dosage
    • 1.What does 20 billion cfu mean?

      “cfu” or “colony forming units” means the number of live bacteria.

      1 billion is one thousand million. 20 billion is 20 followed by 9 zeros after it.

      If a product claims to have 100 million cfu in a sachet or capsule, it follows that in order for this product to have the same number of cfu as LACTOGG® sachet or capsule, the consumer must swallow 200 sachets or capsules a day!

    • 2.Can I take more than 1 capsule/sachet per day?

      Yes you can.

      LACTOGG® is very safe and you won’t “overdose” on LACTOGG®Any excess bacteria will be excreted with the stools.

      There are certain circumstances where a higher dose and greater frequency of dosing are recommended, such as during very frequent diarrhoea or vomiting and during cancer treatment.

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    • 3. Do I need to take LACTOGG® everyday? Can’t I take on alternate days or every few days instead of daily?

      LACTOGG® should be taken everyday to ensure uninterrupted colonisation and stimulating of the immune system.

      As the cells of the intestinal surface are actively growing and replacing themselves, LACTOGG®'s bacteria need to be constantly available to replace those which have been attached to the surface cells and discarded.

      Taking alternate days may not be able to keep up with the natural process of replacement of the intestinal surface cells.

      All the clinical studies on LACTOGG®’s probiotic strain are performed using DAILY dosing to produce health benefits.

    • 4.What is the recommended dosage of LACTOGG®?

      The recommended daily amount is based on the doses used in clinical trials.

      The usual daily amount is 1 sachet or capsule a day for babies and children; and 1 or more sachets or capsules for adults.

      The capsule is designed to be easily taken apart. If there are 2 children taking LACTOGG® together at the same time, giving the powder in half a capsule to 1 child and the other half capsule to the other may be practised for long term supplementation.

      It is however advised to take at least 1 sachet or 1 capsule per day if there is diarrhoea or if the child is taking antibiotics.

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    • 5.At what time should I take LACTOGG®?

      There is no fixed time. LACTOGG® can be taken anytime.

      There are a few medicines which may interfere with the colonisation or survival of the probiotic bacteria. Take LACTOGG® at least 1 - 2 hours apart from such medicines.

      For example, you should separate your dose of LACTOGG® from a dose of antibiotic by at least 1 hour. If your antibiotic dose is due at 8 am and then at 8 pm you should take LACTOGG® either anytime between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm or anytime after 9-10pm and 6-7am.

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